Chatrapati Shivaji was the famous Indian Marata king who had the utmost courage to stand against the vast ocean of Mughal rule, single-handedly. Saundarya Bansode, aged 12 years, D/O Sandip Bansod, native of Kopargaon Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra State, India. She has made a huge rangoli art of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, measuring 841 ft. X 531 ft. i.e. 4,46,571 sq.ft.The Rangoli art was started on 26th January 2019 and was completed on 25th February 2019. 14 cctv cameras were fixed at the site and entire event is covered from day 1 to till the end of the event. Saundarya’s Marvelous Talent in Art and also her admiration towards the great, legendary Marata King Chatrapati Shivaji has made her to achieve this record.